September 9, 2020

The Secret Sauna

Way out west

Tidy and 100 Percent off grid Lead image

This project is something a little bit out of the ordinary, but we’d like to show you as it's very much an insight into how we love creating adventurous, wild and sustainable places.

It's the story of the development of a secret sauna and wild swimming spot we've recently created in a tucked-away place way out west.

It started with a silted up and overgrown pond
A silted up and overgrown pond

After a hard morning of groundwork, clearance and discovery, we unearthed the original pond area.
Unearthing the original pond

To avoid the pond silting up again, and to ensure it was going to be sustained as a haven for wildlife, we installed a simple silt trap.
Setting the Silt Trap

After some serious digger digging, it was time to allow the pond to refill.
Letting the pond finally fill back up

Below the pond is a conveniently level bit of ground that's hidden from view. It needed some clearing and that's a team job.
Setting about building the sauna

With early starts to get the project finished there is simply nothing finer than a wood-fired fry up, eaten outdoors with eggs from local hens.
Early starts and site work mean great breakfasts

To get up to the pool from the sauna we needed to build a stepped boardwalk
Working our way to the water

This leads you up to the newly built deck that hangs over the pond.
Connecting to the deck

Which, as you can see, is coming along nicely : )
Diving deck coming along nicely

The deck looks perfect from the other side of the pond too.
The deck from the other side of the pond

As does the finished sauna - it's 100% off-grid and we can confirm it works perfectly!
Tidy and 100 percent off grid

And after a steaming hot sauna in the middle of nowhere, there's little that beats a dip in the wildest of wild swimming pools
Taking a test dip

It’s always a real privilege to be able to work in such stunning locations, and as a team, there’s nothing we love more than this type of creative challenge - even more so when it's off-grid and hidden away.

Maybe next up for this place is a secret treehouse lodge............

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